Ella Mary Sims Christmas Party

Ella Mary Sims Christmas Party

Date for Wish : 10-24-2021
    • Calendar#:
    • wish-119-1635114452
    • Total Goal:
    • $1,568.15
    • Contributed:
    • $0.00
    • Remaining:
    • $1,568.15

In 1976 dr. Ella Mary Sims decided that she would use her birthday as a time to give back to her family by throwing an annual Christmas eve party. For over 35 years her party was a reunion that each family member looked forward to all year long, knowing they would be reuniting with those they loved most. She prepared a 6ft tall tree, had carols sung, special baked sweet treats and her home became an interactive event with children decorating desserts with aunties who flew in from out of town. Food being prepared & brought by family members gift exchanges and a delight that ended at dawn. The Dr. Ella Mary Sims foundation wishes to present her legendary event to the Grand Rapids Community. Which is the community she cherished most, Offering families and friends a time to gather and rejoice during the holiday season & reflect on the highs & lows while we raise money for the Grand Rapids Charities she loved most. This fundraiser will help us present scholarships & much needed housing relief to family members & others in need in the community. This Community celebration will have ICE SCULPTORS, Drinks, Food, Holi-DJ, Black Santa taking pics with the kids and giving gifts, interactive displays, gingerbread house making, Horse Drawn SLEIGH RIDES with a blanket and hot cocoa. and more! It is our hearts desire to host this city event but we need $1200 to accomplish this goal...won't you give from your heart to help Grandmothers wish live on by giving to those in need.

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